The geniuses at Fellow never understood why to-go tumblers made design decisions that compromised the coffee drinking experience. The senses–taste, smell, and touch–were ignored, while durability and extreme heat retention were prioritized. Why not both?
Introducing Carter, a travel mug finally worthy of the coffee inside. Designed to amplify the senses and engineered to fit the most popular manual brewing devices, you can now enjoy coffee at its fullest, everywhere. Not dishwasher safe.
Some of the cool features:
- Aromatic Wide Mouth - Don't slurp through a tiny slot, only to find the coffee is HOT!
- Drinkable Thin Lip - A Lip licking thin rim makes it easy to get the mug to your mouth.
- True Taste Ceramic Coating - Sealed and smooth. Unlike stainless, the ceramic coating will keep your brews odour free and tasting great.
- Brew and Go - The wide diameter rim will allow most brewing devices direct access to your mug
- Heat-Lock Double Wall Vacuum - Retains heat for 12 hours and cold for 24.
- Leak Proof Seal - Quick twist and your mug won't leak